We had to fix it

We had to fix it

#1 Click from activity directly to calendar

You received an e-mail with a scheduled meeting and entered RAYNET CRM and started searching the calendar to find out when the meeting was actually taking place and what you had scheduled for that day. From now on, you can view the scheduled activity in the calendar by clicking the Show in calendar option. The selected activity will flash for you in the calendar in order for you to recognize which one it is specifically in your busy schedule.


#2 Addresses filled in manually for activities can now be viewed on the map

If you fill the venue for Meetings and Events manually, the options Show directions and Show on map will show for you.


#3 Merging contacts

You can also merge duplicated Clients, Contacts and Leads. The data will be transferred from record A to record B. In order to keep things tidy, record A will be deleted after the transfer. The entire History and some fields from the original record will be transferred. This function will come handy when you have two records for one Client and you need to merge the information including the history for instance.


#4 Copying URL address

When you copy an URL address of a specific tab and send it to your colleague, a specific record exactly as you see it will be opened for them when they click the URL address and log in.

#5 Selection of visible columns

A newly arranged window for the selection of columns which you want to be shown is now in all list views. 


#6 Closing tabs in one click

One click is all you need to clear out the unnecessary tabs. And everything is tidy again :-)