#1 Business dashboard
The Business deals are shown as individual cards on the dashboard. The cards are further sorted into columns according to the status (or business deal stage) they are currently at.
The entire dashboard can be controlled by dragging the mouse. Business deals can be moved forward or closed.
You will gain a quick overview of the number and value of Business deals in individual stages. The dashboard also keeps track of the dates for planned activities or follow-ups.
#2 Overview of sold products
In the Account history, you can now see what products were sold to the client in the past so you can prepare a customized offer for that particular client.
#3 Filter by number of days since last sale
When you are selling to a client repeatedly, filtering Accounts by the date of the last sale can be useful. A small hint of who to contact back.
#4 Add-ons
Administrators will be pleased to know that we now have new additional functions administration. You can now activate all required functions from one spot. And vice versa, you can deactivate the functions you are currently not using.
#5 New colours
We have created a new colour palette. There are more to choose from and they are brighter. A small spring RAYNET cosmetic update.
#6 Change product parameters in Pricelist
You can now edit the name of a particular product or its costs and other parameters directly in the Pricelist.
#7 Create your own status for Leads
You can select Lead status according to how your business model functions.
#8 Another e-mail address in Leads
If you use Leads rather often, you will certainly appreciate contact details being extended by a second e-mail address.
#9 RAYNET in other languages
Foreign teams using RAYNET will appreciate RAYNET language localizations into Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Swedish. These languages will only work in a trial mode (beta version) for now. It is possible that some translations will be missing or will not be entirely accurate.
#10 Quote export in new languages
If you do business with foreign countries, you can use our quote exports in English, German, Russian, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese and Swedish. Administrators can activate the option of foreign language exports.
#11 Mass edit for other columns
Tidying up your Accounts and Leads is a bit easier again. Thanks to Mass edit, you can now edit details about city, state, postal code or country.